Friday, October 28, 2011

FO Friday #1

I was really excited to finish my Chevron Lace cardigan earlier this week! Still haven't found the perfect closure for the top but I'll know it when I see it!

I also managed to finish off a shawl that I had been "technically" finished for awhile but needed to block it and do a few final touches.

Quite the quick post for me today but I've got to run out and do my weekly grocery shopping! We always go on Fridays and today in particular isn't going to be fun because there's snow (!) in the forecast for our area tomorrow and that turns everyone to mass chaos around here (which is unnecessary of course)


  1. Both projects are beautiful. Hope the chaos wasn't too bad.

  2. they both look lovely! I especially love the sweater =)

    supposedly I'm going to get 10 inches of snow tonight (it's so early!!) and I needed to go to the grocery store, too - I can't decide if the crowds of people are going to be worth it now or not - you were smart and went yesterday! I hope you keep warm!

  3. @Affiknitty

    Thanks! Luckily the store wasn't horrible at all and now it's just sort of soggy and disgusting out so we're happy to be inside!

  4. @erin

    Yikes 10 inches? So far we've only ended up with a dusting this morning, what's now a slushy mess that's supposed to turn over to snow for a mere 1-3 inches for the rest of the day.
