Friday, January 27, 2012

FO Friday #11

After spending most of January making progress on blankets/new starts for the year, I do have another FO to share!

It's my Sensational Lacy Scarf made of size 3 crochet thread, which took forever but I'm quite happy with the result :) Enjoy!

I wish I would've had this ready to photograph on Monday when it was somehow 55 degrees outside (some winter) and sunny! Today it's rather rainy and gloomy outside, ew.


  1. Lovely! Our weather is also 'ew". This morning I drove through Rain > Freezing Rain > Ice Pellets > Snow on my way into work :)

  2. Wow, that is small thread and a lot of work! But very pretty!

  3. Great scarf for Valentine's day! =D I'm too lazy to make a scarf in thread. Kudos to you!

  4. Very pretty scarf. My youngest dd loves it.

  5. This is really beautiful and I love the lace pattern. I cannot even imagine how long it took given that you used thread though. WOW!
