Sunday, January 1, 2012

FO Friday #9

Just a quick, small FO for me this week as I already shared a larger one as part of my Year of Projects post last Sunday :)

I whipped up a mile a minute scarf not too long ago. Really not thrilled with the color (had it in my stash and had no clue what to do with it) but I do like the pattern for the most part.

Short and simple post this week as I've been busy busy working on all the blankets I have doing! That and avoiding all the CALs for other blankets I've been eyeing up. Anyone joining in on Sarah London's Wool-Eater CAL? I'm still trying to talk myself OUT of it! Then I keep saying "but it'd make such a random blanket to use a lot of stash yarn for." Must not make another blanket...must not make another blanket...


  1. Lovely scarf! I think the color is so pretty.

  2. I like the colors fine. Do you know someone with a little girl you can gift it to? I think it'd go over well!

  3. Very sweet pastel scarf. Now that you've linked to the Wool-Eater blanket I can't look away from it. I may have to sign up for that CAL!

  4. The scarf looks great, love the colours!

  5. The pattern is cute - the colors remind me of a little girl's scarf too. Very sweet!
