Sunday, December 4, 2011

Squee Sunday!!!

Oh how behind I've been in my Sunday Squees but just off the top of my head I think I have plenty to share!

Starting with the most recent, hubby was surprised he was nominated THREE times at his job's annual holiday awards banquet and even better he won one! It was the one he wanted too. Nothing like winning an individual achievement and getting to claim it in front of 500 people in a ballroom! So proud of him :)

Little one has figured out rolling from her back to her tummy AND has mastered the art of eating cereal and not spitting it back out :-P.

We also took her to see Santa last weekend at the local firehouse! It's a $25 donation to the volunteer fire company, get you one 5x7 print (additionals for $4 donations), and your very own 15 minute scheduled appointment for Santa. So basically we walked right in, never had to wait in line with a baby around a germ-filled mall with cranky children AND we got 15 minutes with just us and Santa AND our Santa visit is tax-deductible AND the mall doesn't give you an AWESOME fire truck in the background of your picture!

I thought we'd only get one print of her and Santa but the photographer was nice enough to snap a family shot of the three of us so we have two fantastic Santa prints!


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